Gate Events
Gate Events
Gate Events
Gate Events are hosted throughout the year. These events, namely Perspectives on the Apostolic (POA) and conferences/seminars (ALS), aim at providing spiritual resource, to church leaders, captains of industry, community leaders and believers in general. Insights on the unfolding truths contained in the Holy Word of God are .
The Apostolic School of Ministry
The divine mandate to host ASOMs was received in 2000. The mandate included preparing and resourcing church leaders to remain biblically and spiritually relevant to the eternal purpose of God. The first ASOM was launched in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa in 2001. Since, the ASOMs have become an invaluable apostolic resource forum for thousands of leaders globally.
The ASOMs were hosted in Pietermaritzburg for 13 years before Thamo relocated to Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa in 2012. For a short period they were held in Sandton. Thamo ceased hosting the Sandton ASOMs in October 2018. Currently ASOMs are hosted by senior leaders of GGF in their native countries, namely Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and the Dominican Republic
Perspectives on the Apostolic
POA is a bi-monthly leadership forum hosted in key cities (Sandton, Cape Town and Durban) in South Africa. The objective of the POAs is to reach church leaders and present them with perspectives/insights on the Apostolic Season. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic the POA has become an online event reaching delegates from many nations globally.
Apostolic Leadership Summit
The first ALS was established in Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa in February 2014. The purpose of the ALS was intended to introduce the fundamental principles of the Apostolic Season to the diverse leadership structures of the Church. Since its inauguration, the ALS gained global repute with delegates from approximately forty nations in attendance. Speakers at these ALSs are selected from key apostolic networks/streams, with each enjoying the liberty of sharing their peculiar insights of the apostolic season. Presently there are ALS scheduled to be convened.